
Welcome to the Lion Program

Kindergarten or 5-6 years old

Den Leader  -  to be determined by den at first meeting

The Lion Uniform: Shirt (blue short sleeved t-shirt)

The Program

The Lion program weaves traditional Scouting concepts of character development, leadership skills, personal fitness and citizenship into activities that are age-appropriate and fun for the boys and their parents.

The activities introduce the family to Cub Scouting, and provide an exciting way for the little guys to explore the world around them. The program will fuel their imagination, creativity and fun as they experience the growth Scouting can provide. At the end of the Lion year, they “graduate” to Tiger and advance through Cub Scouting.

Lion Adventures and Pack Involvement
"Adventures" (themed activities and experiences) will assist Lion families in exploring the world around them. As they complete the requirements for each adventure, Lions will earn an adventure sticker to be placed in their Lion Adventure Book. They earn stickers, not belt loops like the older dens. Additionally, Lion parent partners will each take turns filling the role as the "Lion Guide" as they meet two times a month.  

Pack 129 Lions:
More information is available by watching this informational video for Lion adult partners.

Lions meet twice a month.  One for a den meeting and another for an outing. Meeting nights are set based on the den members' preferences and mutual availability.

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